Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11-6-08 "Nancy"

5 rds. for time:
400 meter run
15 overhead squats (95/65)

Post times to comments

Burpee Challenge


Angie said...

hello all! Missy and I have been making up "Rain or Shine" and "Nate" today and Tuesday. We did have to do singles instead of DUs though since my fast jump rope broke and there is just no way to do a DU with Mis's slooow rope :-) (Anybody know where we can get some good jump ropes? My Walmart special only lasted 5 months!) We modified "Nate" with pull-ups (and jumping ones at that- since unfortunately we are not as awesome as Jodie and can't do "real" pull-ups yet:-)) Oh, and the handstand pushups were modified to pike pu off the box.

Angie- RorS- 6 rds +squats
Nate- 20 rds +2pu +8 KBswng

Missy- RorS- 6 rds +OH +PU
Nate- 2o rds +2PU +4HSPU

Felice said...

Morning crew did a great job this AM. Molly and Jodie on the Apex best for their performance this morning with Nancy. Working with the prescribed weight now. No joke, these ladies do work.

Unknown said...

OMG, this is unexceptable. I can not miss Nancy! Looks like its time to test the leg that has been feeling a TON better. when and were to fit this in!

Josh Wagner said...

Karen and TJ looked like Veterans tonight with our Vet's vs Rookies WOD.
7pull ups
7ring dips

Gumper and Jacquie way to hang in there and finish the wod with intensity. Your time will come. One day you too will be a VET.