Monday, December 1, 2008

12-2-08 "Barbara"

5 rounds

20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Air squats

*Time each round independently. Rest approximately 3min between rounds.

Burpee Challenge #49


Angie said...

Seems this was my first time with Barbara- can't find a record of it anywhere. Not sure how I managed faster times at the end-- they all felt really long!

6:43, 6:50, 6:50, 6:13, 6:20

Unknown said...

Barbara beat my butt the last time we faced, and today wasnt much better. I couldnt feel my arms by the 3rd round.

Combined rounds I did 15:21 rx


Josh Wagner said...

Barbara is a tough one!

I felt really good today for some reason. Took on Settlement from a few days ago.

Killed my past time with a new PR of 4:30. #315 DL felt like nothing. I can't say I have felt like that in a long time. Maybe some time away from DLing has helped.

Tanya said...

Barbara sucks the life out of you for sure. Murph did that to me on Sunday so I couldn't even think about doing Barbara today. Still hurting from Sunday and I feel like a big baby...didn't feel so strong today with settlement. I haven't dead lifted like that in way too long.

After feeling bummed and being exhaustedI looked back at my old time with 215# and holy crap it turns out I killed it today...old time 10:34, today was 5:42. So no complaints here!