Friday, December 5, 2008


"Make up Day"

Make up a wod that you have needed to or wanted to do. OR.... Run 1 mile three times. Rest for as much time as you need between mile runs. Time each mile run and post to comments.

Burpee Challenge #52


Josh Wagner said...

Had a great time tonight. Scrappy, Felice, Bussom, Minnucci,TJ, Tanya and myself took on a parter WOD.

3 rounds
40 OHS (115/75)
50 Pull ups
60 Box Jumps
70 Double Unders
400m run

Josh and Keith took the gold. 24:53
Tanya, TJ, Minnucci 25:34
Bringing up the rear Felice and Scrappy 26:?

Great time tonight guys and gals. Lets keep the tradition rollin. See ya'll tomorrow. Good luck tonight Scrappy.

Felice said...

I'm smoked. That was a blast and I'm feeling it now.

Nice job everyone.

julia said...

hey! you have to tell me about these partner wods in advance. i love that stuff. i am keeping up with burpees. my daughter keeps saying, are you doing burpees again???