Tuesday, January 13, 2009


5 rounds for time

21 box jumps
15 push ups
9 pull ups

Post times to comments.

Burpee Challenge #92


Unknown said...

Today was alright. I had my typical Wed blues from the soreness in my legs. Despite that managed 7 and some change even with chest to bar pullups.

Looking forward to tomm as a rest day

julia said...

Missed you all this a.m. I am liking the soreness in my back from yesterdays deadlifts though...hopefully will see you tomorrow a.m. or possibly tomorrow afternoon. J

Felice said...

You know you are fully sold out for CrossFit when you like feeling sore. Hurts so good.

Josh Wagner said...

Great Day for Apex. WELCOME many new crossfitters to APEX. In the morning we met a new lady EIDA (Can't wait to see her strive. Lots of potential) and in the PM intro class we met Kelly (again), Christine, Arlene and Paul. We look forward to working more with all of you. Great job today and tonight!!