Monday, January 19, 2009

1-20-09 "Diane"

For time 21-15-9 of the following

Deadlift (225/155)
HSPU (hand stand push ups- sub pike push ups if cannot do hspu)

Post times to of Apex's Bests!

Burpee Challenge #98


Molly said...

I hit too much ice in the first few miles, I turned around and went home. Hopefully Keith made it in without any problems.

Bussom36 said...

No problem Molly! It's better to be safe then sorry. We have a hike from the hills of Schwenksville.

Julia and Jodie beat up Diane this morning in 5 and some change along with: 3rds of 200m row and sit-ups(none stop sit-ups until partner finished rowing)

Josh Wagner said...

I hit the rower as well. 5k row in 19:14. PR by 8sec.

Josh Wagner said...

What were the exact times so I can post them to the APEX Best?