Monday, January 5, 2009


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

15 Pull ups
15 Ring Push ups
15 Back extensions
15 Sit ups

Burpee Challenge #84


Bussom36 said...

Great work this morning AM Crew! I'm sorry for the slow start, It took me a while to get the ring situation set.
I was pumped how everyone came in ready to work! What more could a guy ask for on his b-day!
Take care of those blisters!

Felice said...


Unknown said...

What he said....Happy Birthday Buss!

So my legs wanted to thank whomever programmed todays wod. My hands arent as thankful, but legs definitely happy for the break.

For the record, I stayed true and did not cry today, though I may have been cought whimpering here and there.

Molly said...

Happy Birthday!!
I didn't even hear any wimpering from Scrappy

Josh Wagner said...

Happy Birthday Bussom! With all those grays fella one might think that this is your over the hill bday? Shying closer to 40 but still that young looking baby face.

Josh Wagner said...


Bussom36 said...

33 years young today..I have a couple of years before I catch up to Felic!
I have had grays since 7 yrs young. Hence the nickname silver fox- G.Clooney and myself
I am sore all over - Kangaroo from Hell was a killer!

Pa KnitWit said...

hi! i'm returning with my tail between my legs and my head down like a sad penquin...
i have been "crossfitting' about 1, maybe 2x's a week for the month of Dec...i definately loss alot of my momentum. but in the last two weeks i've managed about 3x's a week- so it's a start. this nightshift really messes with my energy level.
today: 21-15-9
ring dips
thrusters (50 lbs)
walking lunges
sit ups
