Tuesday, August 25, 2009

8-26-09 "Helen"

3 rounds for time of:

400m run
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pull ups

1. Mike Carr (Scrappy) 7:48
2. Josh Wagner 7:56
3. Shawn Butler 8:37 7-1-09

1. Tanya Wagner 9:20
2. Jodie 11:10 6-30-09
3. Angie Nice 10:57 (Red Band Pull ups) 7-1-09


Josh Wagner said...

Cheers to a week of PR's!
Today was no different, Molly and Julia go band-less followed by Colleen, Stacy and Nicole PR-ing by 3 minutes each!! Keep the PR's rolling APEX
Helen- 9:40

DaniButler said...

Did Helen today with 25pd kettle ball and blue and purple band pull ups - 10:24

Kevin Metz said...

did helen in the gym. doing crossfit in a gym is terrible. heaviest kb was 45# which sucked. running on treadmills was worse.

9:00 and change. w/ 45#kb

Josh Wagner said...

Way to make it work Kevin. Treadmills are tough to run on.

Just finished Helen at 10pm at night... Don't know where I found the energy from. Maybe it was the zucchini and pork chops my wife cooked me at 9pm.

8:11 Not a PR bummer.

shecht said...

mmmmm...pork chops, I haven't had those in a long while, any leftovers for the 9am workout crew maybe... :)