Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2-25-10 "Hop Around"

**No AM Class Due to the Weather Expectations**

Reps of 50,40,30,20,10 for time:

Box jumps 20"
Double unders 2x the number of reps (100,80,60,40,20)

Cash out
Deadlifts 5x5x5 (may not break grip from bar)


Bussom36 said...

We had one brave sole show up and take on the HOP AROUND, Nice work Shanna!
PM WOD- Dead Lift Shoveling for Time!

Bussom36 said...

Someone has BIRTHDAY BURPEES today!!
Happy Birthday Frank! What's the total number? 35?

Unknown said...

35!!!!!!!!!???? You're crazy! 29 would be my number! Thanks for the wishes!

Shanna said...

Happy B-day Franklin!! Thanks for the workout this morning Bus, my next WOD will be fixing the stereo for time =( Hope it's just a fuse.

Keith said...

Happy Birthday Frank! You don't look a day over 20. I'll bet you still get carded at the bar - to be so young...those were the days.

Anyway Happy B-Day - Make it a good one.

Tanya said...

Frank the Tank....Frank the Tank!!! Happy Birthday Pal! No scaling on b-day burpees :) you got all 29 and don't forget the one for good luck! Have a great day!

Dave "BDD" said...

Keith - Don't you mean 21? ;-)

Happy Birthday Frank! I'll trade you your BD burpees for my BD burpees!

Chuck said...

Did this WOD at home on Friday. Did singles of 300, 240, 180, 120, 60. 20:15. Not going to be doing any jumping anytime soon.