Wednesday, June 9, 2010


4 Rounds for time:

15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65
15 Ring Dips

Cashout: Carry your SDLHP bar overhead for 400 meters.


Eida said...

5000 meter row. New PR 23:48, by a minute. Woulda been better if my wasn't on fire from DL yesterday.

Unknown said...

Great WOD - Can I get a copy of that picture ;) Miss you guys!

Bussom36 said...

What's up Kristen, you are also missed!
Save me a copy of that picture too!!

Unknown said...

Life's crazy right now, but I promise I'm not slacking! Did an OHS WOD recently with a 45lb bar - from PVC to 45 - oh the progress - and beefy shoulders!