Tuesday, August 3, 2010

7-4-10 "Nancy"


5 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 OHS 95/65

Top times
1. Mike Feliciani 12:36
2. Josh Wagner 12:42
3. Zach Miller 12:57 6/13/09

1. Tanya Wagner 15:31
2. Molly Collins 17:32 3/26/09
3. Jodie Miller 19:40 6/13/09


Jarrett said...

overhead squats? great rest day!

Josh Wagner said...

Jarrett, You should not avoid your weaknesses! I expect you to practice at least 75 OHS with a broomstick at home today. :)

Bussom36 said...

The Hill is running fast today! Good Luck to all who man/woman up and take on Nancy!

This has been a tough week, keep up the good work! Remember lots of water and stretching

13:08 (47 sec PR)

Zach Miller said...

The heat and sweat were flowing at the box tonight. I couldn't PR on this WOD tonight. Legs are still shot. But i put up a fight. Good job everyone. Congrats Wagners on the NEW and coming CROSSFITTER. That is such great news and cherish it as much as you can, it is such a blessing.