Monday, September 13, 2010

9-14-10 "Again Faster's Competition Team WOD #1"

3 rounds for time:

200m run
50 double unders
25 thrusters


Molly said...

Buss- where is the DU video you told me about? Thanks

Bussom36 said...

On the Mainsite under:
September 9, 2010

Thursday 100909

Double-unders with Mikko Salo at CrossFit Santa Cruz - video [wmv] [mov]

You'll be the DU Queen after watching the video.

Dave "BDD" said...

What is the 'target' weight for thrusters? Your Fran weight, or lower?

Tanya said...

Dave, for Again Faster we used Fran weight 95/65, but I would say you won't feel cheated using less. Those thrusters get a little toasty. It is a sub 20min workout, so for classes I'm recommending to use weight accordingly.

Dave "BDD" said...

Thanks Tanya! Did Again Faster record you guys doing this recently?

Tanya said...

Yes, this was one of our workouts we submitted last month. Check out the videos on under the "competition team" tab at the top. Right now they have up our 1 rep max jerks.

Teresa said...

Tanya - you GOT the 1RM! I've witnessed you putting up 205# and then squatting it! Just another walk in the park! :)

Tanya said...

Thanks for the support Teresa, although don't forget that 205 was pre relaxin hormone :) these shoulders and hips don't quite stabilize the same as they did just a few short months ago :)

Dave "BDD" said...

200 m run (paced out on stone driveway)
150 SU's on patch of dirt.
75# thrusters

3 Rds: 20:53

Sorry Tanya, tried to keep it under 20! Not warmed up well, so first round of thrusters was slow, plus had to move around on the dirt to find a level spot to SU.

Vic said...

Great job to all this evening! Especially those of you who completed the 100913 WOD of Squat Clean and Jerks. Thanks for all your encouragement and coaching Josh. Truly appreciated.

Semper Fidelis,