Sunday, October 3, 2010

10-4-10 "Rain Day"

1st of the "You Pick" collection.
From: Teresa
Previous WOD date 12/22/09

500m row
50 box jumps
50 hang power cleans (light)
50 jumping ring dips (shoulder height) jump to full locked position
50 double unders
50 mountain climbers


Dave "BDD" said...

Boo, hiss!!

Stefan said...

i do not appreciate your selection.

Teresa said...

LOL! And I was gonna take the day off. I have to come in now!

Dave "BDD" said...

T - yes you do! You should have come and do it at every class today! That should be part of the priveledge of suggesting a WOD!

Eida said...

Thanks Teresa! I am in recovery. That's my excuse I'm sticking to it.

Keith said...

Get the 50 outta here!

Bussom36 said...

Great WOD today! Wish you all could have been there!
Teresa are you out there?

9:21- 24"/80#