Thursday, November 4, 2010


Apex Leader Board

Max Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1

*Cash Out: Row for 20min as many meters as possible.

Strength and Technique: Snatch


Tanya said...

AWESOME work this morning ladies! You all did terrific! Shanna hit an amazing 70lb PR this morning on her deadlift hitting 190 and then went on to crush her old 2k row time by about 45 seconds!! Killer day girl!

Shanna said...

Thanks Tanya! I have been beaming all day, such a great feeling!

Jarrett said...

just checking in on how everyones doing! my first race for crew is tomorrow morning at 12ish so i'll be sure to post the results later this weekend.

Tanya said...

Good Luck Jarrett!! Represent.

Kimberly said...


Kick butt tomorrow!!!