Sunday, January 16, 2011

1-17-11 "12 monkeys"

For time:
12 muscle ups
12 hspu
12 power snatches
12 burpees
12 bear complex's
12 box jump 24/20
12 kbs 53/35
12 pistols (ea leg = 1)
12 kte
12 deadlift
12 push up (hand off)
12 OH lunges 45/25 (both legs =1)

* same bar used for power snatch, bear complex and deadlift: Options 135/95/65/45


Josh Wagner said...

Great job tonight everyone. Good fight Shanna and Dave O. You guys did great holding onto those OH lunges.

Shanna said...

Thanks Josh, and everyone else for the encouragment in my time of need lol.