Thursday, January 27, 2011


For time:

150 wall balls 20/14 to 10'
150 KBS

*time cap 25min
Break up the reps however you would like:)

Strength Training- Jerk

Lets see a show of hands, Does this pull up count? Let Bussom know what you think.

Bussom 110lb Pull up from CrossFit Apex on Vimeo.


Julia Spencer said...

I didn't see the chin go over the bar. ;) Can you try that again?

Zimnock said...

yea no chin. shoulda used them knees. the second one maybe

Michael said...

Considering the angle of the camera, I say his chin was over the bar.

Bussom36 said...
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Bussom36 said...

You are my boy Mike! However, if you have to ask, then it's probably not a completed rep.

Just finished a session of Jerks- Hit 335#- 35 PR, good luck tonight and be sure to prep for Lord n Lady tomorrow.