Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1-5-11 "The Bear"


7 sets of sequence:

Power clean
Front squat
Push jerk
Back squat
Push jerk

5 rounds

Rest as needed between rounds
Bar may not be set on ground between 7 sets (just tap ground moving into next power clean)
You may not sq. clean directly into the front squat
GOAL- score will be determined by the highest amount of weight completed for 1 round- 7 sets
There will be a time limit in which you have to complete the 5 total rounds

Feel free to watch a video of the Bear click here


Dave "BDD" said...

It's good yesterday's WOD didn't require any grip strength.

Josh Wagner said...

haha! sometimes things just don"t pan out perfect:) get those hands and hips ready to go.

Bussom36 said...

What weight are you shooting for on this wod?

Freddy topped out at 150# in 2007 and Rob Orlando topped out at 200#

What will you top out at?

Any call outs on this wod?

Josh Wagner said...

Bus what is ur GOAL?

I will be happy to finish somewhere between 155-165 :)

That is unless Bus sets a mark higher than that of course!

Dave "BDD" said...

my goal to see how everyone did today when I check the website tonight!

Josh Wagner said...

Capaldi I heard you put up a crazy number last night 145#. Very impressive, nice job!

Cory said...

thank u very much!