Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Apex Best
20 minutes to find:

Max clean and jerk

Following lift - 10min to complete

1 sit up every 30sec adding 1 sit up every 30sec

Having trouble with your OHS? Here are 2 ways to help you stay in your heels and hit proper depth.


Zimnock said...

lets see if i can get that 155

Josh Wagner said...

i got faith in you !

Bussom36 said...

You have at least 185 in you!

Dan J said...

Zim - youre not going to see, youre going to do it we all know you can

Josh - this is the website i was talking about that helped with gymnastic movements.


crossfit just made this one too

Bussom36 said...

Apex, Awesome work tonight! I had goose bumps watching all those weights flying high above your heads.
Everyone PR's!

Josh Wagner said...

so much fun great job!