Tweedledum & Tweedledee
Consecutivley complete with partner
3 rds
300 m row & parnter does as many Burpee Pull-Ups while other completes the row.
3 BW Clean & Jerks or 9- 1/2 BW C&J & partner does as many weighted lunges 75/55
3 rds
30 wallballs 20#/14# & 30 Push-Ups
*Record time it takes to complete all the movements.
* For each Burpee/Pull-up and Lunge subtract 1 second
Ok, finally back in town. Will definitely be in the box tomorrow with Clippers in hand...
Zimnock, : )
Get ready for your new look...
Semper Fi,
Your the man Zimrock! Way to be a man of your word. If we do it again i will put something on the line too.
A guy leaning into a trash can while at crossfit......never a good sign!
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