Friday, April 22, 2011

4/23/11- GAMES OPEN WOD 11.5

20 min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans 145#/100#
10 Toes To Bar
15 Wallballs 20#-10'/14#-9'


Michael said...

Wish I could make it but I'm sick. I'm having trouble staying vertical, let alone doing wallballs.


Shanna said...

Sick too :( Nothing serious but I didn't want to contaminate the place. Best of luck Apexers.

Bussom36 said...

We missed both of u today! Drink plenty of OJ and rest up!

Bussom36 said...

Scratch what I just said! Mike drink a glass of red wine, Shanna do a shot and both of u hot one power clean! So u can post a score!

Zimnock said...

I did it today and ended up with 7 rounds plus 1 power clean. thats 9 reps better then last time and sucked all the same

Michael said...

If anyone is around to judge tomorrow (Monday) I can make it in for wod 11.5. I'm almost 100%,.. friggin cold. I can go into work late or leave early depending on if anyone is available.


Julia said...

I can plan on getting to the box by about 5:30 if there's space for Mike to compete. If it's better to do after the 6 pm class, I can plan around that too but need to know by tomorrow mid day what works. keith/josh, please advise if you would like me to judge eustice, jem

Josh Wagner said...

Eustice sorry you are 1 day late scores can no longer be added. Sun night was the do date.:(

Michael said...

Bummer. Thanks for the offer to help Julia!
