Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6-28-12 "Jackie"

Apex Best

For time:
1000 m row
50 thrusters 45#
30 Pullups

13min time cap

If this happened to be a thruster what tips can you give Jessica to help her be most efficient and successful throughout a large number of reps. 


SharonLS said...

knees out, wrist straight, use body to thrust bar overhead, don't muscle it up...

lighter weight? LOL

Jessica said...

Right on, Sharon! Lighter weight would've been nice:) There's a few more things to point out in that pic...come on guys, tear me apart!

Clayton said...

Keep the bar closer to your body and maintain a tight back.

Julia Spencer said...

It doesn't look like you are under the bar enough to thrust it up over your head. Like you are too forward leaning, or your elbows aren't in the right position....