Happy 19th Bday Zimrock!stellar work tonight Apex Crew! Hollar if you PR'd on ohs! Larynn.............?
I thought this WOD would be awful but turned out to be awesome! I PR'D tonight by 30lbs! 6'ers did an amazing job tonight! Happy birthday Alex!
Larynn hit a 140# OHS! StellarI also PR by 10#'s - 255#
Nice job, Bus! I also PR by 45# even though someone thought I could do more...no mentioning any names! Larynn - You rocked it!
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Happy 19th Bday Zimrock!
stellar work tonight Apex Crew! Hollar if you PR'd on ohs!
I thought this WOD would be awful but turned out to be awesome! I PR'D tonight by 30lbs! 6'ers did an amazing job tonight! Happy birthday Alex!
Larynn hit a 140# OHS! Stellar
I also PR by 10#'s - 255#
Nice job, Bus! I also PR by 45# even though someone thought I could do more...no mentioning any names!
Larynn - You rocked it!
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