Tuesday, August 28, 2012

8-29-12 "Mid Line Stabilizer"

For time:
800m run
30 OHS 40% max
600m run
20 OHS 55%
400m run
10 OHS 70%
*racks allowed / Use same Bar
Time cap 20 min


Bussom36 said...

Happy 19th Bday Zimrock!
stellar work tonight Apex Crew! Hollar if you PR'd on ohs!

LaRynn Blair said...

I thought this WOD would be awful but turned out to be awesome! I PR'D tonight by 30lbs! 6'ers did an amazing job tonight! Happy birthday Alex!

Bussom36 said...

Larynn hit a 140# OHS! Stellar

I also PR by 10#'s - 255#

cmarlin0911 said...

Nice job, Bus! I also PR by 45# even though someone thought I could do more...no mentioning any names!

Larynn - You rocked it!