Friday, August 17, 2012

8/18/12- Yikes

400 m Run
50 Push press 45/30
100 Air Squats

*5 Burpee penalty for dropping the bar!
*15 min Time Cap

***Olympic Event #9 will be held on Monday Aug. 20th***

It's MOVING DAY! Who can lend a helping hand?


Bussom36 said...

BIG THANK YOU to all who helped out on Saturday! Our new home looks fantastic! We could not have done it with out you.

Due to the move, Olympic event #9 has been postponed until Monday!

Bussom36 said...
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Lauren P. said...

Can I do a 500 meter row at another box and have it count?


SharonLS said...

No Erik-- I already asked that question. :-(. I got shot down.