Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8/8/12- Settlement

5 Deadlift 315#
12 KTE

Olympic Event #2:
Med Ball Throw- 2 throws per person. Start in  seated up right position, feet are locked under DB's. Lay back and touch ball behind your head, then sit up and throw for distance. Men 10#, Woman 6#

Shanna smashing WOD 2 at the Summer Classic.
5 min AMRAP
10 Back Sqts 95#
20 DU's


SharonLS said...

3 rounds or 5? the other "Settlement" workouts are 5 rounds.

Josh Wagner said...

Its 5

Josh Wagner said...
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Clayton said...

way to do work 6 am crew!

Bussom36 said...

Pete N. with a HUGE MB Throw-21'.5"