90 sec of each
wall ball 20/14 (wall ball wall)
TTB (rig)
*waiter walk (hold single db locked out over head)
between moves (right arm one way left arm other way)
90 sec of each
single arm db pp (wall ball wall using waiter walk db)
SDHP w/ kb (directly in front of rig)
*waiter walk between moves
*entire workout wearing a weight vest 45/20
Total reps of everything is SCORE!

*Post weights and score to comments!
2nd place @ 215 Partner Comp
Teres & Blake, Austin & LaRynn
Looking forward to this!
Happy Belated 49th Birthday to Mike P......I didn't see you do your burpees yesterday!
Cassandra, you feeling ok today?
yesterday's WOD
Power Drill
5 rds
10 Pwr Cleans 135#
15 Burpees
20 KBS 53#
25 WB 20#
Rest 3 min
28:37 with rest included
Enjoy the day!
335 total score
20 # vest
15# DB
26# kb
6# WB
Floor to rig TTB
The vest is such an annoyance factor throughout this workout. A lung burner on the wall balls. Go for volume on all moves.
426 total score.
20# vest
15# DB
26# KB
6# WB
Floor to rig instead of TTB
Went light with the weight, just wanted to move before saturday. actually ended up being a fun wod.
187-45 vest 10# wb35# db 35# kb
36" max box jump
42" box jump, 45# vest, 232 total, 10# wall ball, TTP, 30# db, 35# kb
30" Max Box Jump.
210 Total.
20# Vest, 6# Wall Ball, Floor to Rig, 15# DB, 18# KB.
Max box jump 42
Total score 336
45lbs vest
14lbs wb
35 lbs bd
53 lbs kb for two 43 for last rd
Oopppsie...i meant 40th birthday...not 49, ha! Sorry Mike
Max box jump 29in.
20#vest, 6#wb, T2B, 15#db, 26#kb
36.5" box jump.
30# vest
20# db
26# kb
10# WB
Standard TTB.
335 reps.
263 reps/ 20# vest/ JTB/ 4# MB/ 15#DB/ 26#KB
24" box jump
32.5" box jump
335 reps
15# vest
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