Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This WOD is also an attempt to try and simulate a small portion of what it takes to be a fireman!

New Apex Best


This is a tribute to all the dedicated and hardworking Fireman

200 M Run (run to the fire house)

1 Rope Climb (sliding down the firehouse pole)

Suit up in a 20# Vest (suiting up in your fireman armour)

200 M Run with Sledge (run to the fire)

50 Sledge Hammer Hits (Breaking down the door of a burning building)

100 ft Bear Crawl (Smoke rises and you enter the building)

50 Box Jumps 20"- you may step (climbing the steps of the burning high rise)

200 m run with 45# vest over the shoulder (carrying a child out of the building)

25 WB's 20/14# -10 ft (helping the child up and over a wall to a safe area)

100 M Run (to get the fire hose)

100 M Sled Pull 70#(pulling the hose from hydrant to fire)

50 KBS 35/26# (blowing out the remaining fire timbers/coals)

*time cap 30min


SharonLS said...


awwwwww yeeeaaahhhh!!!

Josh Wagner said...

This is freaking Awesome!! Lets get it!!

Bussom36 said...

Great WOD & a great way to start the morning, Cody and I hit this one like Kurt Russel and Robert De Niro!

Which actor was I?

Moose said...

What you meant to say was Kurt Russell (you) and Billy Baldwin (me)...DeNiro was the old chief who was all burnt up you dont wanna be him haha. Great WOD had fun doin it.

"Look at him. Thats my brother God D%#*it!"

Big Kurt Russell Fan. What you guys dont have lines from Backdraft memorized?

Josh Wagner said...

cody I almost peed my pants reading that quote! Good on you bro! I love when people do movie quotes! Kurt Russell is awesome in that movie.

I love this wod, was hoping to hit it this morning after all the am girls got my adrenaline going! They killed it! Sharon is a rope climbing fool and Amy too, great stuff!

...this is kinda how it went

Sharon "I'd like to try the rope, but how do I do my feet?"
Tanya "like this just put one foot on top of...." and she was already to the top before I could finish!!!
Sharon "oh ok that was fun! I love the rope!"


Kacie said...

this looks AWESOME! Sad I missed it :-( Nice job on the rope climb, Sharon! I like Tanya's recap haha