Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2-9-12 "Dirty Thirty"

For time:
30 Frnt Sq 155/100
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 KB swings 53/35
30 Burpees
30 Sit ups
30 Pull ups
30 Wall ball 20/14

Repeat since 8/27/10  and 10/29/09


Bussom36 said...

Check out Yahoo....
Blowing up!

SharonLS said...

P.O.'ed I can't make this one!!!!! I guess I'll be doing it at the Y, alone, people looking at me like I'm a crazy woman. I'm ok with that. :-)

Bussom36 said...

Side note to the article....Check your Ego at the door!

Julia said...

Angie, I just registered for the combine too. It will be fun.

And back to yesterdays' discussion about lotions and oils...what is the latest thinking with fish oils...I take daily but want to check the quality of what I am taking. Keith, i remember you had a freezer test you recommended.

Dan J said... used to have a fish oil calculator to tell you the amount you should be taking but I can't find it. I guess they got in trouble or something but here is a nice FAQ from them about it: