Saturday, September 12, 2009

9-12-09 "The Chief"

3 min AMRAP rest 1 min:

3 power cleans (135/85)
6 push ups
9 air squats

Repeat 5x
*Score total number of rounds from all 5 sets


julia said...

fun. thanks for your coaching today keith. j

Cappi said...

Did 2 workouts today since i have all day tomorrow to rest.
Started Strength today.. more or less just found my 5 rep max's
3 attempts at 5 reps:
Back Squat- 135,145,150PR
Bench Press! :D 115,120,125PR
Deadlift- (135),185,225,235PR
Chin ups 3x10


The Chief
Rds-26 1/3 Total (472)
5 rounds of:
3min AMRAP,1min rest:
3 power clean 115(135)
6 push ups
9 air squats
Rd 1 (105) 5 + 3/6/6
Rd 2 (94) 5 + 3/1/0
Rd 3 (90) 5 + 0/0/0
Rd 4 (90) 5 + 0/0/0
Rd 5 (93) 5 + 3/0/0