Tuesday, January 25, 2011


All evening classes Canceled due to Snow. Get out your shovels and shovel for time!

Reps of 21,18,15,12,9, 6, 3 for time:
35 walking lunge steps holding plate (25/10)
Pull ups (follow reps from above)
Box jumps 24"/20" (follow reps from above)

Who has more efficient double unders Julia or Chas?


Bussom36 said...

Nice work last night Apex!You all have been working hard on your squats and it showed last night.
I saw a lot of heavy weights being thrown around!

Wooters stellar job! You man handled 245#

Chas said...

Of course, I finally get a pic and it's an example of what NOT to do. This is why I switched to singles. I'll get there. Another Doo Doo.

Mike said...

Thanks, Bus. That was a fun workout, no doubt! Got to move heavy weight and also work on a speed/agility/coordination type movement all in one quick workout.

Chas, just keep on those DBL unders...they are on my Doo Doo list as well!

Crossfitanchorage said...

Dropped in on CrossFit T1 this morning at 1100. Got in a great work out!

4 rounds for time of:

5 Muscle Ups
10 Clean and jerks 135#
15 GI Janes
20 Double Unders

23:?? Rx

Great job to all last night as well. All the Apex athletes are kicking A$$!

Semper Fi,

Josh Wagner said...

This snow is nuts! Hope to see y'all tomorrow. Vic nice wod.

Chas we love ya man

Cory said...

#245!! impressive mike!

since there was no class tonight i did a little lifting at home. set a PR on power cleans with #215. hopefully see everyone tmrw if not saturday bright and early!

Dan J said...

I just did todays WOD, those lunges were a sick joke after yesterdays WOD ...so brutal. How long should have this taken us Josh?

Vic, that workout sounds awesome I definitely would want to give that a shot sometime.

Chas said...

Thanks Mike! My dbl unders may have been ugly, but 4:15 wasn't bad : ) And Thanks for the motivation Josh, I will now master double unders!